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Resource for Team Leaders

Summary of Major Points

Juan Test – Teamraderie offers teams an opportunity to rethink their approach by exposing them to new ideas. Here is a summary we developed with Summer to summarize learnings.


Rise Up

Summer described the 1992 NCAA Swimming championship. The vulnerability of her teammates and the transparency inherent in swimming conditions are the prerequisite conditions for individuals to find ways to give more of themselves to help a team win.



Summer described the dynamics on The Apprentice and argued that it did not promote either the transparency of vulnerability that leads teammates to thrive. In companies, ask whether people are comfortable exposing flaws during root cause analyses.


Be a Goldfish

Summer described the 2004 NBA Finals – won by a team that lacked highlight reels or superstars, but by a cocktail of people who behaved cohesively. She articulated how everyone on the team ‘had complete clarity on their role’ – and this led to team chemistry that defeated dynastic competitors.

An Exercise For Your Next Staff Meeting

You may want to begin a future meeting with a team exercise or activity to reflect on and extend the learnings from your Teamraderie experience. Here are some discussion ideas we developed for your team along with basic guidelines for organizing the exercise.

Perp excercise

Set aside 10-30 minutes at the start of the meeting or as its own event. Stress to your team that this time is not a “meeting” but a dedicated space to have a break together. Have a clear plan to involve all team members whether virtual or in-person.

Pick one reflection/discussion pair from the options below or mix and match!


Option 1: Objective Tasting and A Beginner’s Mind


  • Reflect On Tasting Objectively. What was it like to taste “objectively”? Were you able to describe flavors using your taste experience alone or did you find yourself slipping into “opinion-forming?” Why might it be valuable to separate objective from subjective “tasting” when evaluating a product or process?


  • Discuss Potential Benefits of Applying a “Beginner’s Mind”. The tasting experience in many ways requires a “beginner’s mind” or a willingness to set aside any expertise we may have in order to discover new and different flavors. What can we gain from applying “objective tasting” or a “beginner’s mind” to aspects of our work?


Option 2: Discuss the “Vibe” During Your Experience. How might “Vibe” Be Connected to Psychological Safety At Work?


  • Reflect On The Vibe. Did the olive oil tasting change the vibe compared to meetings without a shared food or beverage to discuss? Did the dynamic change in terms of which team members shared their thoughts and appeared most comfortable?


  • Discuss Ways to Create A Safe Meeting Space. Learning something new together and experiencing new things together can help to build trust, understanding, and psychological safety among your team and organization. What are some actions you can take as individuals to ensure all team members feel comfortable expressing new ideas, opinions, and offering critical feedback?
An Email to Share with Your Team

Teamraderie has been asked by some managers for a ‘post-experience summary email’ that they can share with the team members after the 45-minute Teamraderie experience. In collaboration with Lilly, we drafted a memo for you to customize:

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Principles Behind the Experience

Teamraderie experiences are designed in collaboration with management professors at Stanford University and Harvard Business School. Here are the principles Summer Sanders incorporated into your experience:

Invite Team Members to Share Personal Stories

A Rotterdam School of Management (2021) study showed asking members of the team to express unique viewpoints and perspectives (showcasing diversity – but within an inclusive environment) led to higher creative expression on teams.This Teamraderie experience helps satisfy both “uniqueness” and “belonging” needs of teams.

Discuss Failure Openly to Create Psychological Safety

A Harvard University (2014) study found open discussions of ‘failure’ or ‘vulnerability’ – particularly by those in leadership – led to team environments in which members subsequently exhibit higher degrees of creativity and personal ratings of one another.This Teamraderie experience helps satisfy both “uniqueness” and “belonging” needs of teams.

Provide Opportunity for Team to Exhibit Authentic Leadership Styles

A University of Nebraska (2006) study found employees’ perception of authentic leadership serves as the strongest predictor of job satisfaction and can have a positive impact on work-related attitudes and happiness.This Teamraderie experience helps satisfy both “uniqueness” and “belonging” needs of teams.

Recommendations For Your Team to Do Next
  • Test Juan Header


Balancing Comfort & Adventure

Non-Alcoholic Option

Non-Alcoholic Option

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An Ode to Curiosity



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Additional Expert Resources for the Experience

Teamraderie recommends the documents and publications below for additional perspective:

Author: Daniel Coyle (bestselling business author) summarizes ideas from Jeff Polzer (a professor of organizational behavior at Harvard)
Highlight: “Being vulnerable gets the static out of the way and lets us do the job together, without worrying or hesitating.”

Author: Hayagreeva Rao, Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor, Organizational Behavior
Highlight: “A great workplace is one where people do the right thing, even when no one is looking”. Plus, learn an effective and easy exercise that you can do with your team…

Thank you for being a Teamraderie customer.
We appreciate the opportunity to work with modern managers
who are embracing new forms of leadership.