Welcome to the High-Performance Organization Scan

In this assessment, you will answer questions about teams like yours in this organization. Your answers will remain anonymous and your organization will only see summary statistics across large numbers of employees.

Take less than 10 mimutes

Section 1: Psychological Safety and Trust

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members feel safe admitting mistakes or uncertainties to their peers. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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It is safe to take a risk. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members share ideas without fear of being judged. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members are able to discuss difficult issues constructively. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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On teams, members trust one another.

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Section 2: Cross-Functional Collaboration

Answer this question in the context of cross-functional collaboration in this organization

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There is a shared understanding of goals across functions.

Answer this question in the context of cross-functional collaboration in this organization

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Team members actively seek input from other departments.

Answer this question in the context of cross-functional collaboration in this organization

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Collaborative efforts across departments are built on mutual respect and trust.ddd

Answer this question in the context of cross-functional collaboration in this organization

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Cross-functional meetings result in actionable outcomes.

Answer this question in the context of cross-functional collaboration in this organization

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Section 3: Surfacing and Engaging on Dissenting Opinions

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Discussions encourage the open expression of alternative viewpoints. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Dissenting opinions are treated as valuable inputs for better decision-making. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members are skilled at resolving conflicts while maintaining positive relationships. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members engage in active listening to understand differing perspectives. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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In this team, disagreements are resolved productively. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Section 4: Prioritization and Simplification

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members prioritize their work effectively. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members avoid spreading themselves too thin by committing to a manageable number of initiatives. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Processes within teams are streamlined to minimize unnecessary complexity. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Teams regularly review and adjust priorities to stay aligned with organizational goals. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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On teams, there is clarity on which goals take precedence over others. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Section 5: Accountability and Outcome Ownership

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Team members have clear objectives for their work. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Team members ask questions to gain clarity on what is required of them. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Team members hold each other accountable for their responsibilities. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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The team actively addresses instances where accountability falls short.

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members analyze both successes and failures critically for future learning.

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Section 6: Connection

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members feel a strong sense of connection within the team.

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Members feel their contributions are valued by others.

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Section 7: Cross-Dimensional Practices

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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The team regularly improves its processes based on feedback and results. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Teams celebrate milestones in ways that reinforce motivation. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Teams have a shared vision that aligns their efforts. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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The team adapts quickly to changing priorities or unforeseen challenges without losing momentum. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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Teams actively invest in the development of their members. *

Answer this question in the context of teams like yours in this organization

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